Beginner’s 13 Step Guide to Building a Responsive Website

Beginner’s 13 Step Guide to Building a Responsive Website

If you want to create a website that looks good and works well on any device, you need to learn how to build a responsive website. A responsive website is one that adapts to the screen size and resolution of the user’s device, whether it’s a desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone. A responsive website can improve the user experience, increase the engagement, and boost the SEO ranking of your site.

In this blog post, I will show you how to build a responsive website in 13 easy steps. You will learn how to:

  • Choose a topic and a domain name for your website
  • Use a CMS and a template to create your website
  • Write engaging and SEO-friendly content for your website
  • Use media queries, fluid images, and responsive text to make your website responsive
  • Test and optimize your website for different devices

Step 1: Choose a topic and a domain name for your website

The first step to building a responsive website is to choose a topic and a domain name for your website. A topic is the main theme or idea of your website, such as travel, fashion, or fitness. A domain name is the address of your website on the internet, such as

To choose a topic for your website, you should consider:

  • Your passion and expertise: Choose a topic that you are interested in and knowledgeable about. This will make it easier for you to write content and attract readers who share your passion.
  • Your audience and competition: Choose a topic that has a potential audience and is not too saturated with competitors. You can use tools like Google Trends or BuzzSumo to research the popularity and demand of different topics.
  • Your goals and purpose: Choose a topic that aligns with your goals and purpose for creating a website. For example, if you want to sell products or services, choose a topic that showcases your value proposition and solves your customers’ problems.

To choose a domain name for your website, you should consider:

  • Your brand and keywords: Choose a domain name that reflects your brand identity and includes relevant keywords for your topic. For example, if your topic is travel photography, you could choose a domain name like or
  • Your availability and extension: Choose a domain name that is available and has a suitable extension for your website. You can use tools like GoDaddy or Namecheap to check the availability and price of different domain names. You should also choose an extension that matches your target audience and niche, such as .com for global websites, for UK websites, or .travel for travel websites.

Step 2: Use a CMS and a template to create your website

The next step to building a responsive website is to use a CMS and a template to create your website. A CMS (content management system) is a software that allows you to create, edit, and manage your website content without coding. A template is a pre-designed layout that you can customize with your own content and style.

There are many CMS platforms available online, such as WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, or Shopify. Each platform has its own features, advantages, and disadvantages, so you should choose one that suits your needs and preferences. Some factors to consider when choosing a CMS are:

  • Your budget: Some CMS platforms are free or have low-cost plans, while others require monthly or annual fees. You should also factor in the cost of hosting, domain name registration, plugins, themes, and other features that you may need for your website.
  • Your skill level: Some CMS platforms are more user-friendly and intuitive than others, while others require more technical knowledge and skills. You should choose a platform that matches your skill level and offers enough support and guidance for beginners.
  • Your functionality: Some CMS platforms offer more functionality and flexibility than others, while others have more limitations and restrictions. You should choose a platform that offers the features and tools that you need for your website, such as ecommerce, blogging, SEO, analytics, etc.

Once you have chosen a CMS platform for your website, you should also choose a template that fits your topic and style. Most CMS platforms offer hundreds of templates that you can browse by category or industry. You should look for a template that:

  • Is responsive: A responsive template is one that automatically adjusts to different screen sizes and resolutions. You can check if a template is responsive by previewing it on different devices or using tools like Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test.
  • Is customizable: A customizable template is one that allows you to change the colors, fonts, images, layout, and other elements of the design. You should look for a template that gives you enough options and control to create your own unique website.
  • Is compatible: A compatible template is one that works well with your CMS platform and the plugins, themes, and features that you want to use. You should look for a template that is updated regularly and has good reviews and ratings from other users.

Step 3: Write engaging and SEO-friendly content for your website

The third step to building a responsive website is to write engaging and SEO-friendly content for your website. Content is the most important part of your website, as it provides information, value, and entertainment to your visitors. Content can include text, images, videos, audio, infographics, and other media types.

To write engaging content for your website, you should:

  • Know your audience: Write content that is relevant, useful, and interesting to your target audience. Use a tone and language that matches their preferences and expectations. Address their needs, problems, questions, and goals.
  • Use a structure: Write content that is organized, clear, and easy to follow. Use headings, subheadings, paragraphs, lists, bullet points, and other formatting tools to break up your content into sections and highlight the main points.
  • Add value: Write content that adds value to your audience and differentiates you from your competitors. Provide original, accurate, and credible information. Share your insights, opinions, stories, and tips. Offer solutions, recommendations, or calls-to-action.

To write SEO-friendly content for your website, you should:

  • Do keyword research: Find out what words and phrases your audience uses to search for your topic online. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to discover the most popular and relevant keywords for your niche. Include these keywords in your content, especially in the title, headings, introduction, and conclusion.
  • Optimize your meta tags: Meta tags are snippets of code that provide information about your web page to search engines and users. They include the title tag, which is the title of your web page that appears in the search results; the meta description tag, which is the summary of your web page that appears below the title; and the meta keywords tag, which is a list of keywords that describe your web page. You should optimize these tags by using your main keyword and a catchy phrase that entices users to click on your web page.
  • Use internal and external links: Internal links are links that connect different pages of your website. External links are links that connect your website to other websites. You should use both types of links in your content to improve the navigation, credibility, and authority of your website. Internal links help users find more information on your website and keep them engaged longer. External links help users find more resources on other websites and show search engines that you have done your research.

Step 4: Use media queries, fluid images, and responsive text to make your website responsive

The fourth step to building a responsive website is to use media queries, fluid images, and responsive text to make your website responsive. These are some of the techniques that you can use to make sure that your website adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions.

Media queries are CSS rules that allow you to apply different styles to different devices based on certain conditions, such as the width, height, orientation, or resolution of the screen. For example, you can use media queries to change the layout, font size, color scheme, or visibility of certain elements depending on whether the user is viewing your website on a desktop or a mobile device.

Fluid images are images that scale proportionally to fit the width of their container. This means that they will shrink or grow depending on the size of the screen without losing their quality or aspect ratio. To make an image fluid, you can use the CSS property max-width: 100%; height: auto; which sets the maximum width of the image to 100% of its container and adjusts its height accordingly.

Responsive text is text that adjusts its size according to the screen size or viewport width. This means that it will become larger or smaller depending on how much space is available without breaking the layout or readability of the text. To make text responsive, you can use CSS units such as vw (viewport width), vh (viewport height), vmin (minimum of viewport width or height), or vmax (maximum of viewport width or height). For example, you can use font-size: 5vw; which sets the font size to 5% of the viewport width.

Step 5: Check and improve your website for various devices

The final step to building a responsive website is to check and improve your website for various devices. Checking and improving your website will help you ensure that it works well and looks good on all devices.

To check your website for various devices, you can use tools such as:

  • BrowserStack: A tool that allows you to check your website on real devices across different browsers and operating systems.
  • Google’s Mobile-Friendly Test: A tool that allows you to see if your website is mobile-friendly and responsive.

To improve your website for various devices, you can use techniques such as:

  • Media queries: CSS rules that allow you to apply different styles to different devices based on certain conditions, such as the width, height, orientation, or resolution of the screen.
  • Fluid images: Images that scale proportionally to fit the width of their container. This means that they will shrink or grow depending on the size of the screen without losing their quality or aspect ratio.
  • Responsive text: Text that adjusts its size according to the screen size or viewport width. This means that it will become larger or smaller depending on how much space is available without breaking the layout or readability of the text.

Step 6: Craft an irresistible headline

The headline is the first thing that your readers will see when they come across your blog post. It is also one of the most important factors that will determine whether they will click on your post or not. Therefore, you should craft a headline that is irresistible and catchy, while also conveying the main benefit or value of your post.

To craft an irresistible headline, you should:

  • Use numbers and data: Numbers and data can make your headline more specific, credible, and appealing. For example, instead of “How to Build a Responsive Website”, you could use “How to Build a Responsive Website in 13 Easy Steps”.
  • Use power words and emotional triggers: Power words and emotional triggers are words that evoke curiosity, urgency, excitement, or fear in your readers. For example, instead of “A Guide to Building a Responsive Website”, you could use “A Beginner’s Guide to Building a Stunning Responsive Website”.
  • Use a formula or a template: A formula or a template is a proven structure that you can use to create your headline. For example, you could use the following formulas:
    • How to [Achieve Something] [Timeframe]
    • [Number] Ways to [Achieve Something] [Timeframe]
    • The Ultimate Guide to [Achieve Something]
    • [Number] [Adjective] Tips for [Achieve Something]
    • How I [Achieved Something] [Timeframe]

Step 7: Choose a blog template

A blog template is a pre-designed layout that you can use to display your blog posts on your website. A blog template can help you save time and effort, as well as create a consistent and professional look for your blog.

There are many blog templates available online, such as WordPress themes, Wix templates, Squarespace templates, or Shopify templates. Each template has its own features, advantages, and disadvantages, so you should choose one that suits your needs and preferences.

Some factors to consider when choosing a blog template are:

  • Your design and style: Choose a blog template that matches your design and style preferences. You should look for a template that has the colors, fonts, images, layout, and other elements that you like.
  • Your functionality and features: Choose a blog template that offers the functionality and features that you need for your blog. You should look for a template that has the navigation, sidebar, footer, social media buttons, comments section, and other features that you want.
  • Your responsiveness and compatibility: Choose a blog template that is responsive and compatible with different devices and browsers. You should look for a template that adapts to different screen sizes and resolutions, and works well with different browsers and operating systems.

Step 8: Select a blog domain name

A blog domain name is the address of your blog on the internet, such as A blog domain name can help you establish your brand identity and credibility online, as well as make it easier for your readers to find and remember your blog.

To select a blog domain name, you should:

  • Use your brand name or keywords: Use your brand name or keywords that are relevant to your topic and niche. For example, if your topic is travel photography, you could use or
  • Keep it short and simple: Keep your blog domain name short and simple, preferably no more than 15 characters. Avoid using numbers, hyphens, or abbreviations that could confuse or mislead your readers.
  • Choose a suitable extension: Choose an extension that matches your target audience and niche, such as .com for global websites, for UK websites, or .travel for travel websites.

Step 9: Pick relevant images

Images are an essential part of any blog post, as they can attract attention, convey information, evoke emotions, and enhance the visual appeal of your post. Images can include photos, illustrations, icons, charts, graphs, screenshots, or gifs.

To pick relevant images for your blog post, you should:

  • Use high-quality images: Use high-quality images that are clear, sharp, and professional. Avoid using blurry, pixelated, or distorted images that could ruin the impression of your post.
  • Use original images: Use original images that you have created or taken yourself. Avoid using copyrighted or trademarked images that could get you into legal trouble.
  • Use relevant images: Use relevant images that match the content and purpose of your post. Avoid using irrelevant or misleading images that could confuse or distract your readers.
  • Use fluid images: Use fluid images that scale proportionally to fit the width of their container. To make an image fluid, you can use the CSS property max-width: 100%; height: auto; which sets the maximum width of the image to 100% of its container and adjusts its height accordingly.

Step 10: Implement calls-to-action

A call-to-action (CTA) is a statement or a button that prompts your readers to take a specific action, such as subscribing to your newsletter, downloading your ebook, or buying your product. A CTA can help you convert your readers into leads, customers, or fans.

To implement calls-to-action for your blog post, you should:

  • Use clear and compelling language: Use clear and compelling language that tells your readers exactly what you want them to do and why they should do it. For example, instead of “Click here”, you could use “Download your free ebook now”.
  • Use contrast and whitespace: Use contrast and whitespace to make your CTA stand out from the rest of your content. You can use a different color, size, shape, or font for your CTA, and leave some space around it to draw attention to it.
  • Use strategic placement: Use strategic placement to position your CTA where it will have the most impact and visibility. You can place your CTA at the end of your post, in the sidebar, in the header, or in a pop-up window.

Step 11: Optimize for SEO

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of improving your website’s visibility and ranking on search engines like Google or Bing. SEO can help you drive more organic traffic to your website and reach more potential readers.

To optimize your blog post for SEO, you should:

  • Use keywords: Use keywords that are relevant to your topic and niche, and that your audience uses to search for your content online. Include these keywords in your title, headings, introduction, conclusion, meta tags, and image alt text.
  • Use internal and external links: Use internal links to connect different pages of your website, and external links to connect your website to other authoritative websites. This can help you improve the navigation, credibility, and authority of your website.
  • Use meta tags: Use meta tags to provide information about your web page to search engines and users. They include the title tag, which is the title of your web page that appears in the search results; the meta description tag, which is the summary of your web page that appears below the title; and the meta keywords tag, which is a list of keywords that describe your web page.
  • Use schema markup: Use schema markup to add structured data to your web page. Structured data is a code that helps search engines understand the content and context of your web page. For example, you can use schema markup to tell search engines that your web page is a blog post, who wrote it, when it was published, what it is about, etc.

Step 12: Edit and publish your blog post

The last step to building a responsive website is to edit and publish your blog post. Editing and publishing your blog post will help you ensure that it is error-free, polished, and ready for the world.

To edit your blog post, you should:

  • Check for spelling and grammar errors: Check for spelling and grammar errors using tools like Grammarly or Hemingway. Correct any typos, punctuation mistakes, or grammatical errors that could affect the clarity and credibility of your post.
  • Check for readability and flow: Check for readability and flow using tools like Yoast or Readable. Improve the readability and flow of your post by using short sentences, active voice, transition words, and varied sentence structures.
  • Check for consistency and accuracy: Check for consistency and accuracy using tools like ProWritingAid or Copyscape. Ensure that your post is consistent in terms of tone, style, format, and voice. Ensure that your post is accurate in terms of facts, data, sources, and references.

To publish your blog post, you should:

  • Choose a publish date and time: Choose a publish date and time that matches the preferences and expectations of your audience. You can use tools like Google Analytics or CoSchedule to find out when your audience is most active and engaged online.
  • Choose a category and tags: Choose a category and tags that describe the topic and niche of your post. This can help you organize your content and make it easier for your readers to find what they are looking for.
  • Preview and publish: Preview and publish your blog post using the CMS platform that you have chosen. Check how your post looks on different devices and browsers before publishing it. Make any final adjustments or changes if needed.

Step 13: Promote and monitor your blog post

The final step to building a responsive website is to promote and monitor your blog post. Promoting and monitoring your blog post will help you reach more readers, generate more traffic, and measure the performance of your post.

To promote your blog post, you should:

  • Share it on social media: Share your blog post on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, or LinkedIn. You can use tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to schedule and automate your social media posts.
  • Send it to your email list: Send your blog post to your email list using tools like Mailchimp or ConvertKit. You can use email marketing strategies like personalization, segmentation, and automation to increase the open and click rates of your emails.Reach out to influencers and bloggers: Reach out to influencers and bloggers who have a large and engaged audience in your niche. You can use tools like BuzzSumo or NinjaOutreach to find and contact relevant influencers and bloggers. You can ask them to share, review, or link to your blog post.
  • To monitor your blog post, you should:
    • Track your traffic and engagement: Track your traffic and engagement using tools like Google Analytics or Jetpack. You can measure metrics like page views, bounce rate, time on page, social shares, comments, and conversions.
    • Track your SEO ranking and performance: Track your SEO ranking and performance using tools like Google Search Console or Moz. You can measure metrics like impressions, clicks, click-through rate, position, keywords, and backlinks.
    • Track your feedback and reviews: Track your feedback and reviews using tools like Google Alerts or Mention. You can monitor what people are saying about your blog post on social media, blogs, forums, or news sites.

    Congratulations! You have just learned how to build a responsive website in 13 easy steps. Now you can create stunning websites that look good and work well on any device. Happy blogging!

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