Having a beautifully crafted website is only part of the equation when you are looking to make money on the internet. Being found among the thousands of other sites in your market is really key and there are two ways this can be approached.

The first is running marketing campaigns such as Google Adwords to promote your business, and we go into more detail on our Sell page for this.

The second method uses SEO techniques to improve your Google ranking by which can bring in customers over and over again without continual outlay on adwords campaigns.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of enhancing your site for the benefit of search engines such as Google, Yahoo or Bing.

Search engines are constantly trawling the internet indexing sites and attempting to understand the content that is on each site. If the content on your site is not well written, or not effectively targeting the keywords you want to be found for, then you are in serious need of SEO.

What is Organic SEO?

Organic SEO is making use of well targeted keywords and phrases to allow search engines to effectively index your site. This in turn allows potential customers to find your site when they search for these keywords.

By making use of a number of SEO strategies, you will be able to improve the ranking of your site, so that your site appears higher than your competition in search results.

How we can help with SEO

We can help achieve this through detailed keyword analysis of your existing site resulting in a strategy to get your site seen without having to pay for the advertising.

We can:

  • provide a report of your current ranking for your main keywords
  • check each of your pages is correctly structured from the use of titles, formatting of headers and content
  • ensure search robots can comprehend and index your site for maximum ranking
  • identify keywords which your site can use to build in free organic SEO year after year