Comments on: Build your own Pro NAS – Seagate Goflex Net with Debian Linux, RAID1 and OpenMediaVault because anything's possible with Charisma Tue, 24 Sep 2024 10:25:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: » Hacking – Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex Net as NAS with Debian or OpenWRT | Tue, 24 Sep 2024 10:25:08 +0000 […] with a little effort it is possible to run a full blown debian:… […]

By: BKrueger Tue, 13 Jan 2015 14:33:14 +0000 Hi,
massive thanks for your work!

I Just want to give a short feedback – since i had some trouble using the LEDs =).

1. as some guys said already, there is one command missing:
fw_setenv arcNumber 3089
I set this var in the very end (before trying to install a sata drive) but i guess, you are not able to use sata/LEDs (you can control only the green one) before setting this variable correctly!

2. The script which is used to show the cpu usage is not working properly. I just fixed the little awk bug, so that now only the real cpu idle value is taken into account.

Just replace this part
# Find the line with CPU info, pick the last number = percentage idle
# subtract it from 100 to give CPU utilisation
/..*..*..*..*..*..*/ { cpu_utilise = 100 – $6;
if (cpu_utilise >= 20.0) { cpu20=”default-on”; }
if (cpu_utilise >= 40.0) { cpu40=”default-on”; }
if (cpu_utilise >= 60.0) { cpu60=”default-on”; }
if (cpu_utilise >= 80.0) { cpu80=”default-on”; }
# Find the line with CPU info, pick the last number = percentage idle
# subtract it from 100 to give CPU utilisation
/avg-cpu:/ {
cpu_utilise = 100 – $6;
if (cpu_utilise >= 20.0) { cpu20=”default-on”; }
if (cpu_utilise >= 40.0) { cpu40=”default-on”; }
if (cpu_utilise >= 60.0) { cpu60=”default-on”; }
if (cpu_utilise >= 80.0) { cpu80=”default-on”; }

cheerio and massive thx !!!

By: Anonymous Mon, 17 Mar 2014 13:37:01 +0000 […] […]

By: Paul Sun, 02 Mar 2014 21:01:00 +0000 Hi Don,

Weeks later and I’m only now getting into Linux via Ubuntu…

But I found an interesting post on Customising Pogoplug:

I wonder, what are you thoughts – do you think this could work for the Goflex Net? Or is the OS too different?


By: Anonymous Sun, 09 Feb 2014 08:53:06 +0000 In reply to Paul.

You are welcome 🙂

1. To my knowledge it’s revertible using the script to “Restore old uBoot” … but please do your own due diligence on before ploughing in !

2. I installed mini-DLNA on a prior build, however the build broke before I tested it (due to SD card problems). It’s possible to install mini-DLNA via OMV but you need to add a special repository. This is explained on OMV forums. Otherwise it’s command line deb. So bottom line is that it’s possible, but I can’t tell you exactly how to do it as I’m not using it.

Also check the links at the bottom, there are many useful blogs/sites from guys that are doing “stuff” with GoFlex Net and Dockstar.

My system is and has been running without failure since prior to writing the article. I would recommend ditching the Flash drive at your earliest opportunity, they do fail. I have kept my Flash drive as it was when I built my build, so I can revert if necessary.

RAID 1 works well although it does a weekly or monthly rebuild by default which isn’t really necessary. If you have the time and interest I would look at the RAID suggestion in my TODO list, it’s possible that you’d get a performance gain. My system gives around 20Mb/s which is OK for what I’m doing with it.

Warm regards


By: Paul Sun, 09 Feb 2014 08:35:42 +0000 Hi Don,

Great blog. I’m a complete newbie with Linux etc but willing to invest the time and give this a try as the Goflex Net fell just short of what I’m after (NAS that can work with time machine for Mac but can also act as a DLNA box for my Samsung Smart TV blue ray player).

A couple of Q’s before I get started:
1. Does your process leave the Pogoplug web interface intact? (Not the end of the world if it doesn’t, but I’ve seen a Pogoplug device hack that seems to leave the basic functionality intact.)
2. Is it possible to setup the Goflex Net to act as a DLNA Server? If so what add-on would you recommend?

Thanks for sharing your efforts and advice.

By: Sammy Tue, 28 Jan 2014 15:19:07 +0000 Thanks for the excellent guide. Your time knee deep saved the rest of us 🙂
I had trouble getting my stat recognized. Turns out I also was missing
fw_setenv arcNumber 3089
I think it should be added towards the end of step 7 after updating OMV before attaching sata drive.
Thanks again!

By: sammy Tue, 28 Jan 2014 06:00:23 +0000 In reply to robert.

Did this and it works great! Thanks.
Just wondering if anyone tried a usb Wi-Fi card to make it wireless…

By: Robert Thu, 09 Jan 2014 07:09:17 +0000 Hi Don,

I had a SATA boot problem.
Could you please look my help request on Doozan forum?,14196,14730#msg-14730

Do you have any advise?


By: robert Wed, 08 Jan 2014 23:04:14 +0000 t boot. " Extend this to mention SATA not even appears in dmesg without that line. Probably you changed the kernel and as a part of that process, made this step, that's why you forgot... Never mind... Thanks to keep document living! I have one question: How did you upgraded to wheeze? I tried distupgrade but stayed at Debian 6.0 Regards Robert]]> Hi Don!

You a re amazing. (Can’t read as fast as you answer 🙂

Sequence should be in step 7, when you write:
“At this stage I attached an SATA hard disc and tried to boot from USB. No joy, doesn’t boot. ”
Extend this to mention SATA not even appears in dmesg without that line.
Probably you changed the kernel and as a part of that process, made this step, that’s why you forgot…
Never mind…
Thanks to keep document living!

I have one question:
How did you upgraded to wheeze?
I tried distupgrade but stayed at Debian 6.0

Regards Robert
